Apr 25, 2018

Wellbeing foundation midwives saving women infants malaria-Saraki

Many organisations used the opportunity to highlight their activities in combating the infection - One of such organisations is the Wellbeing Foundation, an initiative of Mrs Toyin Saraki To mark World Malaria Day, at their antenatal and postnatal classes this week Wellbeing Foundation (WBFA) midwives have been highlighting the enhanced risk faced by pregnant women and children under five. Findings revealed that malaria still kills a child every two minutes, despite being easily treatable and preventable, with an estimated half of the world’s population being at risk.

They also visit various local communities to teach residents the proper use of insecticide treated mosquito mets, and the importance of visiting healthcare centres when the symptoms of malaria are discovered. Mrs Saraki, WBFA Founder-President, commented: “Our midwives make sure that no life is lost to malaria. They provide a safe space for mothers to acquire knowledge on life-saving skills that prevent, detect and also treat the disease. “Malaria, despite being treatable and preventable, still kills nearly half a million people every year, with most deaths occurring in sub-Saharan Africa. On World Malaria Day, I call on all stakeholder holders - the global health community, governments, donors, pharmaceut*cal companies, academic institutions and other relevant organizations - to step up their efforts to combat malaria. 

“The world’s first malaria vaccine will be launched this year. As the Vaccine Champion for Women Advocates for Vaccine Access (WAVA), I am calling for Nigeria to be at the front of the queue for its distribution and implementation by frontline health workers.” According to reports from the World Health Organisation, 216 million people were infected with malaria globally in 2016, 5 million more than the previous year.

Mrs Saraki is the special adviser to the Independent Advisory Group (IAG) of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Regional Office for Africa (AFRO) and Global Goodwill Ambassador for the International Confederation of Midwives (ICM).

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